Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I wish I was invisible

so today we went to the snowbowl, snow was bountiful, but slow. Chelsea finally got a pair of boots, so that was good. did i mention it was cold, I only lasted 2 hours, not sure how the inuits do it or homeless people for that matter. Time to put another log on the fire by the way.

As we returned to our home we stopped at the mailbox, I being the scholar and gentleman that I am went out into the artic tundra and got the mail as I returned to the automobile, I hand the mail to Chelsea which exclaimed "YEA! we got a movie from netflix" Which was followed by "dammit, we got Invincible!" We of course have seen marky mark go from shitty everyday worker to a shitty cornerback on a shitty team.

But upon further review the actual name of the movie was "The Invisible", which actually is nothing like "Invincible". (sigh) As far as the movie itself and the way the letters are arranged.

see the IMDB to get a idea of what the movie is about

This movie gets a A+ for cliches, overused sterotypes, unoriginality and maybe the largest set of plot holes this side of a Will Smith movie. If he was invisble why was he knocking people over they found his watch 20 feet from where he was hidden and on and on..I can't even remember what else.... Chelsea knew it was shit when he came out of his coma and didn't need any Occupational Therapy. By the 30 minute mark, I was wishing we really got invincible.

Things I likes about the movie
1. the girl was cute
2. Chelsea confused it for Invincible
3. it ended

Things I didn't like
1. the acting
2. the script
3. it showed up in my mailbox

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