Monday, January 7, 2008

weekend shreds

Well the weekend started out good. It didn't warm up as quickly as they said it would.
Saturday was really really goods, I of course was a lazy asshole and didn't get out of bed til 9 am.
When I knew I had to leave the mountain at 1 pm for Ernie's memorial service. It was a good service, always seems like the good people die.

So the shredding was good, the snow fast the bitches loose beer flowing. Actually just the snow was fast and good. Went back Sunday and it was good till about 1 pm then I kept getting thrown over the handle bars which sucked. All the snow around the yard is almost gone. It is holding on strong on the mountains.

For animals we have had a pileated woodpecker, red bellied woodpecker, a lot of song birds, blue jays and a mated pair of cardinals. The other exciting thing is I saw deer tracks out at the feeder, it was that or laina was out there squatting in the snow again. Some people call them things camels toes.

I bought 50 lbs of feed on the 3rd of january.

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